The NBA Immaculate Grid released its latest puzzle on Dec. 22. The trivia grid game remains a popular pastime for hoops fans even though the NBA season is about to complete its ninth week. Answering grids has become a part of some fans' daily routine.
On that note, let's look at the 151st NBA Immaculate Grid and find the answers. Friday's puzzle has one special category: a player who has won the NBA Rookie of the Year award.
Here's the NBA Immaculate Grid for Dec. 22:
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70% Win
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Clue and answer for Grid No. 3 of the Dec. 22 NBA Immaculate Grid
The clue for Grid No. 3 is which Golden State Warriors players have won the NBA Rookie of the Year award.
Golden State has the most number of Rookie of the Year winners in NBA history, with six. These players are Woody Sauldsberry (1958), Wilt Chamberlain (1960), Rick Barry (1966), Jamaal Wilkes (1975), Mitch Richmond (1989) and Chris Webber (1994).
Also Read: NBA Immaculate Grid answers for Dec. 20: Which players have played for Raptors and Hornets?
NBA Immaculate Grid answers for Dec. 22
Grid 1 - Players who played for the Warriors and Mavericks: Tim Hardaway and Antawn Jamison might be the best two players who suited up for both teams. Other answers are Erick Dampier, Raja Bell, Chucky Brown and Damon Jones.
Grid 2 - Players who played for the Warriors and Wizards: Jordan Poole is a popular choice here since Golden State traded him to the Wizards last summer. Gilbert Arenas, Chris Webber, Bernard King and Mitch Richmond also played for the Warriors and Wizards.
Grid 4 - Players who played for the Sixers and Mavericks: Seth Curry plays for the Mavericks but spent a season and a half in Philly. Samuel Dalembert, Willie Cauley-Stein, Christian Wood, Eric Montross and Adrian Caldwell are all possible answers.
Grid 5 - Players who played for the Sixers and Wizards: Believe it or not, Hall of Fame big man Moses Malone played on both teams during his legendary career. Other Sixers-Wizards players are Dwight Howard, Greg Monroe, Shelvin Mack, Chasson Randle and Michael Curry.
Grid 6 - Sixers players who won Rookie of the Year: Allen Iverson, Michael Carter-Williams and Ben Simmons are the only three players in franchise history to take home the award, doing so in 1997, 2014 and 2018, respectively.
Grid 7 - Players who played for the Spurs and Mavericks: Michael Finley is a popular choice for diehard NBA fans. Other options include Dennis Rodman, Richard Jefferson, Justin Dentmon, Howard Eisley and Steve Novak.
Grid 8 - Players who played for the Spurs and Wizards: Davis Bertans is one of the most recent players to appear for both franchises. The same can be said for players like Andre Miller, Rasual Butler, Bobby Simmons and Cedrick Jackson.
Grid 9 - Spurs players who won Rookie of the Year: David Robinson and Tim Duncan are the only players in franchise history to win the ROY. Victor Wembanyama has a chance to earn it this season.
Also Read: NBA Immaculate Grid answers for Dec. 19
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