Where is Willie McGee now? Exploring the relationship between LeBron James and his childhood friend

Willie McGee has been making waves since the release of the movie "Shooting Stars". The film by Peacock focuses on the life of LeBron James and his close-knit circle of friends. Known as the "Fab Five," the film dives into their high school years, presenting a biographical narrative.

Willie McGee has been making waves since the release of the movie "Shooting Stars". The film by Peacock focuses on the life of LeBron James and his close-knit circle of friends. Known as the "Fab Five," the film dives into their high school years, presenting a biographical narrative.

Directed by Chris Robinson, the movie delves into the individual challenges faced by each teenager. It showcases their relentless efforts to overcome these obstacles. McGee grew up alongside the basketball legend and was one of his closest companions and confidants.

We take a look at how the shooting guard’s life has turned out since the five friends parted ways after their high school days.

McGee’s Life Journey

McGee had a pretty rough life during his formative years. While residing in Akron, Ohio, Willie found himself under the care of his older brother, Illya McGee. This is due to their parents, who were based in Chicago, Illinois, grappling with addiction issues.

His basketball journey began like a fairytale. During a YMCA game, Willie McGee captured the attention of Coach Dru Joyce. Joyce was greatly impressed by the young boy's exceptional talent to outshine others, which included those who were physically larger than him.

In no time, Willie became an integral part of the "Fab Four" alongside LeBron James, Lil Dru, and Sian Cotton. The group of young individuals shared a resolute determination to stick together throughout their high school years. Eventually, they attended St. Vincent-St. Mary.

After completing his high school education, McGee enrolled at Fairmont State University in September 2003. He successfully obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Information Technology in September 2008, an important milestone in his life.

Willie McGee’s current endeavor

Willie McGee was appointed as the boys' basketball coach at Akron East, a public high school located in Akron, Ohio, in 2015. Concurrently, he also assumed the role of athletic director at St. Vincent-St. Mary, another educational institution in the same city.

After a tenure of seven years, McGee made the decision to resign from his position as athletic director at his alma mater. This was in order to accept a job opportunity with the LeBron James Family Foundation, a role he resumed in August 2022.

Since September 2016, Willie McGee has been serving in the role of CEO at The Dale Program, an organization founded by him. The program is devoted to assisting children who are facing various challenges and difficulties in their lives through sports.

He is happily married to his wife, Sara, and it appears that the couple exchanged their vows around August 2022. However, the joyous occasion was marred by the unfortunate loss of his brother, Illya, whom he shared a close bond with throughout his life.

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