What happened to Arik Ancelin ? Diamond in the Rough singer shares hospital update

Arik Ancelins fans were concerned about him when he posted a video from the hospital on TikTok. Due to health-related issues, he had to celebrate his 20th birthday at the hospital. It was previously rumored that Ancelin had died, so his fans were already torn up over what to believe. Fans were relieved when the

Arik Ancelin’s fans were concerned about him when he posted a video from the hospital on TikTok. Due to health-related issues, he had to celebrate his 20th birthday at the hospital.

It was previously rumored that Ancelin had died, so his fans were already torn up over what to believe. Fans were relieved when the rumor turned out to be false. The rapper has now clarified the reason behind his hospitalization on social media.

Why was Arik Ancelin hospitalized?

Ancelin offered an update to fans via Instagram. He began the post stating that he was hospitalized due to breaking his back from carrying the rap industry. However, he quickly clarified that it was a joke and revealed the actual reason behind his hospitalization. Due to an empyema on his left lung moving into his lungs, fluid accumulated both inside and outside his lungs.

He further stated that the fluid was being drained and he is hoping to get well soon.

The post further reads:

“Today is my 20th birthday and I’ve been moved into the cardio vascular ICU. This is not the birthday I was wishing for, but is another birthday and I am grateful for that. Please keep wishing me recovery and wellness. My favorite birthday present is hopefully getting better soon..."

About Arik Ancelin

Arik Ancelin is a well-known rapper who has released a various singles, EPs and albums (Image via arik_the_rapper/Instagram)

Pop and rap artist Arik Ancelin became a familiar name in the music industry by the age of 19.

Ancelin, who has Down Syndrome, started his career in 2020 by creating raw and passionate music during the pandemic. He has released several singles, EPs, and albums since then. His song Diamond in the Rough shot him to fame after it was certified as a 5X platinum record on Spotify. He also wrote the song True Colors with DJ Nitti.

He is active on TikTok with around 1.5 million followers. His first post on TikTok was back in 2019 where he was seen driving his car and showing off his Rolex watch. He is also active on Instagram with around 161,000 followers.

His net worth is estimated to be around $1 million, but he has never explicitly revealed how much he has earned from his career.

Not much is known about Ancelin's personal life. However, he shared a photo with his father on Father’s Day in 2021. His mother’s name is Jennifer Ancelin and he has two sisters, Audrey and Ava.

A few sources say that he has a second-degree black belt in Taekwando.

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