UFC star Cory Sandhagen shares hilarious honeymoon experience in sweet wedding post for wife Erica

Cory Sandhagen has just joined the ranks of married UFC fighters. 'The Sandman' took to Instagram to post a series of wedding pictures dedicated to his wife Erica, captioned with a lengthy declaration of love and all of the things about her that he finds endearing.

Cory Sandhagen has just joined the ranks of married UFC fighters. 'The Sandman' took to Instagram to post a series of wedding pictures dedicated to his wife Erica, captioned with a lengthy declaration of love and all of the things about her that he finds endearing.

Among the things he referenced was how the couple had contracted an unspecified illness on their honeymoon, spending the last four days enduring body aches. Yet, despite their joint illness, Cory Sandhagen recalls the ordeal fondly as he reminisced about how both he and his wife still made each other laugh.

Check out the Instagram post below:

Additionally, he claimed that they both annoyed each other as well, capping off a honeymoon to remember. Coincidentally, Cory Sandhagen's post comes just a day after Dustin Poirier made an Instagram tribute post about his own wife Jolie on their 14th wedding anniversary.

Sandhagen's post is something of a departure from the type of content he usually shares on his Instagram page, which typically has more to do with his outdoor hobbies, training, and fights than intimate glimpses into his personal life. While Sandhagen has enjoyed his time with his wife, his priority is now chasing the title.

With Sean O'Malley's recent victory over Aljamain Sterling, 'The Sandman' will be more focused than ever, espcially after his criticism about the potential of 'Sugar' facing Marlon 'Chito' Vera, who 'The Sandman' recently beat. However, as he is currently recovering from surgery, Sandhagen will almost certainly be passed over.

Has Cory Sandhagen ever been a UFC interim champion?

A quick look at his record reveals that Cory Sandhagen has only lost to elite fighters in the UFC. In fact, all three of 'The Sandman's' UFC losses came against undisputed champions Aljamain Sterling, Petr Yan, and T.J. Dillashaw. Unfortunately, for him, one of those losses was for interim bantamweight gold.

His war with Petr Yan at UFC 267 ended in a unanimous decision loss for him, and it was the closest Sandhagen ever came to championship status. As things currently stand, he is likely one more win away from securing his first crack at an undisputed title.

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