One WWE Superstar that has been absent for a while now is Pat McAfee. The former SmackDown commentator initially took a hiatus from the company in November and has only made sporadic appearances since. From the looks of it, this status of his will continue.
Pat McAfee began his WWE journey in 2018. He served as an analyst, commentator, and occasional in-ring performer. In September last year, it was announced that he would go on a hiatus to join ESPN's College GameDay. Many thought he would be back by now, but he has only made surprise appearances since. With his other endeavors outside the company, it's most likely he won't be able to continue his full-time run just yet.
Pat McAfee stated on his Instagram that while he enjoys working in WWE, he can't find the right time to do it full-time due to his business outside the company. He was busy, had a baby, and had multiple employees to consider:
"Loved it, every single moment, but now my business has got to a point where I'm very lucky for this and fortunate for this. We've worked our a** off, but you know I'm incredibly busy, and we've got fifteen employees over here that are having babies and building houses. So, it's a tough thing to deal with mentally because emotionally I want to be there [WWE] but I just can't timing wise. But we will figure it out."Why was Pat McAfee doubtful about his WWE future?
McAfee previously expressed his doubts regarding a WWE future because, aside from just having a baby girl, he was worried about who would buy the company—stating that he wouldn't want to work or make money for somebody he didn't like.
WWE was sold to Endeavor, who also owns UFC. The wrestling and MMA company has recently merged and is known as TKO. From the looks of it, Pat has no problems with the new ownership.
Did Pat McAfee return to WWE after his hiatus?
The 36-year-old has made two appearances in WWE since his hiatus last year. He first appeared as a surprise commentator at Royal Rumble and later at WrestleMania 39. During the latter event, he won an impromptu match against The Miz.
McAfee is a commentator that many fans enjoy having. It remains to be seen when Pat will return to WWE and if it will be full-time again.
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