Genshin Impact has incorporated various new World Quests and features into the game's universe of Tevyat after the latest update, which brought in a new region as well. As part of the new region, gamers may encounter strange flowers in lines in the Vourukasha's Oasis area.
These Sunyata flowers are part of a hidden achievement that can be gained by finishing a hidden quest after restoring all the flower fields. The following section of the article indicates how to proceed with the quest.
All three Sunyata Flower fields and Sefana locations in Genshin Impact
There are a total of three Sunyata field puzzles that need to be solved. Once all three have been interacted with, players can get the hidden achievement after taking to an NPC Pari called Sefana. They will need the Sorush tool obtained during the quest "Khvarena of Good and Evil."
The map above shows the locations of all three Sunyata Flower fields marked as flower symbols. Players can teleport to the Teleport Waypoint on the surface of Vourukasha Oasis and go to the marked locations. They are easily spottable as purple fields with a few scattered flower buds.
Players will have to bloom the flowers twice, once by touching them and once by purifying them with Amrita Mayflies. The steps for the same are mentioned below.
Purifying the Sunyata Flowers
To purify the Sunayata Flowers, players will need to equip Sorush first.
The appearance of the flowers will change after the purification and an Exquisite Chest will appear in each field.
Revitalizing the flowers using Amrita Mayflies
After purifying the flowers, players will need Amrita Mayflies to revitalize them.
The flowers will now look fully bloomed now and a Precious Chest can be obtained to revitalize each field.
Locating Sefana
After interacting with all three locations, you can go to the NPC called Sefana to finish the hidden quest.
The map above shows the location of Sefana marked with a quest symbol. You can teleport to the same teleport waypoint in Vourukasha Oasis and head northeast. Sefana is a Pari and can be found under an umbrella beside a giant tree.
Players can talk to Sefana to obtain the hidden achievement "Sea of Fertility," which will grant them five Primogems.
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